Fucking Format Style!
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URL Style

Show off the all of the parts of your URL that you’d like.
Xcode 14+

Easily convert every bit of your URL into a string.

Available Options

Parameter Description
.always Always display this value
.never Omit this value
.omitIfHTTPFamily Omit this value if the URL is http or https
.displayWhen(_:matches) Only display this value when the condition is met
.omitWhen(:matches) Omit this value when the condition is met
Brushing up on the URLComponents documentation can be very helpful to know the use cases for each individual component.
let appleURL = URL(string: "https://apple.com")!
appleURL.formatted() // "https://apple.com"
appleURL.formatted(.url) // "https://apple.com"
appleURL.formatted(.url.locale(Locale(identifier: "fr_FR"))) // "https://apple.com"

var httpComponents = URLComponents(url: appleURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)!
httpComponents.scheme = "https"
httpComponents.user = "jAppleseed"
httpComponents.password = "Test1234"
httpComponents.host = "apple.com"
httpComponents.port = 80
httpComponents.path = "/macbook-pro"
httpComponents.query = "get-free"
httpComponents.fragment = "someFragmentOfSomething"

let complexURL = httpComponents.url!
let everythingStyle = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .always,
    user: .always,
    password: .always,
    host: .always,
    port: .always,
    path: .always,
    query: .always,
    fragment: .always

everythingStyle.format(complexURL) // "https://jAppleseed:Test1234@apple.com:80/macbook-pro?get-free#someFragmentOfSomething"

let omitStyle = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    user: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    password: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    host: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    port: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    path: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    query: .omitIfHTTPFamily,
    fragment: .omitIfHTTPFamily

var httpsComponent = httpComponents
httpsComponent.scheme = "https"
let httpsURL = httpsComponent.url!

var ftpComponents = httpComponents
ftpComponents.scheme = "ftp"
let ftpURL = ftpComponents.url!

omitStyle.format(complexURL) // ""
omitStyle.format(httpsURL) // ""
omitStyle.format(ftpURL) // "ftp://jAppleseed@apple.com:80/macbook-pro?get-free#someFragmentOfSomething"

let localhostURL = URL(string: "https://localhost:80/macbook-pro")!

let displayWhen = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .always,
    user: .never,
    password: .never,
    host: .displayWhen(.host, matches: ["localhost"]),
    port: .always,
    path: .always,
    query: .never,
    fragment: .never

displayWhen.format(complexURL) // "https://:80/macbook-pro"
displayWhen.format(localhostURL) // "https://localhost:80/macbook-pro"

let omitWhen = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .always,
    user: .never,
    password: .never,
    host: .omitWhen(.host, matches: ["localhost"]),
    port: .always,
    path: .always,
    query: .never,
    fragment: .never

omitWhen.format(complexURL) // "https://apple.com:80/macbook-pro"
omitWhen.format(localhostURL) // "https://:80/macbook-pro"

let omitSpecificWhen = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .always,
    user: .never,
    password: .never,
    host: .omitSpecificSubdomains(["secret"], includeMultiLevelSubdomains: false),
    port: .always,
    path: .always,
    query: .never,
    fragment: .never

var secretAppleURL = URL(string: "https://secret.apple.com/macbook-pro")!

omitSpecificWhen.format(complexURL) // "https://apple.com:80/macbook-pro"
omitSpecificWhen.format(secretAppleURL) // "https://apple.com/macbook-pro"

let omitSpecificWhenWhere = URL.FormatStyle(
    scheme: .always,
    user: .never,
    password: .never,
    host: .omitSpecificSubdomains(["secret"], includeMultiLevelSubdomains: false, when: .user, matches: ["jAppleseed"]),
    port: .always,
    path: .always,
    query: .never,
    fragment: .never

let complexSecretURL = URL(string: "https://jAppleseed:Test1234@secret.apple.com:80/macbook-pro?get-free#someFragmentOfSomething")!

omitSpecificWhenWhere.format(complexSecretURL) // "https://apple.com:80/macbook-pro"
omitSpecificWhenWhere.format(secretAppleURL) // "https://secret.apple.com/macbook-pro"

Parsing URLs

The venerable URL initializer URL(string:relativeTo:) has been available to us since Xcode 10.2. In most cases this will work well for most use cases.

If you’re looking to parse URLs in a structured way, you can use the URL parse strategy on the URL.FormatStyle struct.

Available Options

For each component of the URL (scheme, user, password, host, port, path, query, or fragment) you can configure them with the following options:

Parameter Description
.optional Sets the unit as optional
.required Sets the unit as required for a valid URL
.defaultValue() If missing, uses the default value
By default, only the scheme and the host are set as required.
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .defaultValue(80)).parse("http://www.apple.com") // http://www.apple.com:80
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .optional).parse("http://www.apple.com") // http://www.apple.com
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .required).parse("http://www.apple.com") // throws an error

// This returns a valid URL
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy()

// This throws an error (the port is missing)
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy()